USA International Shippng Price & Delivery
Handling Time: 1 to 3 Working Days
Delivery time from dispatched.
Express Free Shipping Tracked Order Over $29,90
or Shipping $9,90
Delivery Time: 4 - 7 Working days
Delivered by USPS (USA)
*Weight based Shipping. Maximum Weight 2000g products including packaging.
Expedited International Shipping Tracked: From $39,00
Delivery Time: 2 to 7 working days
*Weight base shipping. 50g to 1000g - $39,00, 1001g to 2000g - $49,00
2001g to 3000g - $59,00, 3001g to 5000g - $69,00, 5001g to 6000 - $79,00 (products Including Packging)
Delivered by UPS
*Buyers will be responsible for return shipping.
*We are not responsible to pay for, if any custom duty, taxes or additional charges.
*Buyers is responsible for providing correct and deliverable address. In this case refund will be issued by deduction of shipping charges, if any. Once we received return package.