Sunscreen lotion! The sun emits three different types of ultraviolet light: UVA, UVB, and UVC. Sunlight is essential for humans, aiding in vitamin D synthesis and reducing osteoporosis risk. However, excessive exposure can damage the skin and heighten skin cancer risks. Under the sun's rays, our skin ramps up melanin production in the epidermal pigment cells. Melanin, much like a sunscreen lotion protects against UV rays, darkening our skin. In cases of intense sun exposure, though, our melanin may be inadequate, leading to deeper skin penetration by the rays. This overexposure results in damage resembling burns, with burning sensations, blisters, and redness. UVA and UVB rays can damage cellular structures, potentially causing skin cancer. Employing sunscreen lotion with sufficient SPF is critical to combat these dangers, as is periodically avoiding sun exposure to give your skin a chance to heal and rejuvenate.